Getting Ready

Now that your assignment has been officially approved in writing, you can:

  • Work with your volunteer coordinator regarding visa and travel arrangements.
  • Begin immunizations early to ensure protection and to avoid receiving injections overseas.
  • Communicate with your assignment supervisor to learn all you can about your specific position, the institution, and the people.
  • Study all you can about the country where you are going.
  • Complete the Preparation for Mission online course, or a similar program at an Adventist university.
  • Collect materials for your job assignment such as textbooks, evangelism tools, literature, etc.
  • Seek the support of family and friends in prayer and in promises to write. Ask your church clerk to mail you church bulletins, newsletters, etc.
  • Finalize your responsibilities at home – pay off debts, complete assignments, change of address notification, etc.
  • Be sure your division volunteer coordinator has a copy of your itinerary. This, along with the Insurance form, enables your enrollment in the AVS insurance program.
  • Obtain the AVS insurance card to take with you.
  • Above all, pray for wisdom. Study God’s Word. Know why you are a Seventh-day Adventist and want to serve God as an international volunteer.
  • Be prepared for adjustments in your assignment when you arrive on site due to changed circumstances or personnel, or your personality and skill level. A successful experience may depend on your ability to be flexible.
  • Believe God has called you – and determine to follow through on your commitment to serve Him cheerfully, willingly, and despite the challenges you WILL meet.

Fundraising Orientation

Most volunteers need to raise a certain percentage of their expenses for an AVS assignment. Here are some ideas: Prepare a letter stating who you are, what the assignment involves, and your part in it. Use the letter as you approach any organization or individual.Prepare a budget showing how the funds will be spent.If sending…

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